
Fork clamps for spherical joints

Material: stainless steel. For spherical ground joint connections. With set screw.
Fork clamps for spherical joints

Fork clamps for spherical joints
 S 13Prod.No.9.011 6931
 S 19Prod.No.9.011 6941
 S 29Prod.No.9.011 6951
 S 35Prod.No.9.011 6981
 S 40 / 41Prod.No.9.011 6961
 S 51Prod.No.6.203 7511
 S 65Prod.No.9.011 6971
Suitable for:
Receiving flasks, DURAN®Lenz-Laborglas GmbH & Co. KG
Receiving flasks, DURAN®, with PUR coatingLenz-Laborglas GmbH & Co. KG
Receiving flasks, with spherical ground glass joint, borosilicate glass 3.3ISOLAB Laborgeräte GmbH
Alternate products:
Joint clips for conical joint sleeve connections, stainless steelLenz-Laborglas GmbH & Co. KG

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