CatalogueChromatographyVialsVials, SeptaInserts for LLG-Short Thread Vials ND9/ND10 and LLG-Snap Ring Vials ND11, wide opening

Inserts for LLG-Short Thread Vials ND9/ND10 and LLG-Snap Ring Vials ND11, wide opening

Inserts for LLG-Short Thread Vials ND9/ND10 and LLG-Snap Ring Vials ND11, wide opening

Inserts for LLG-Short Thread Vials ND9/ND10 and LLG-Snap Ring Vials ND11, wide opening
 Nominal capacity
Dimens­ions (ØxH)Bottom shapeVersionPK
0.2Prod.No.4.008 1966 x 31 mmFlat 100
0.1Prod.No.7.401 7446 x 31 mmConicalTip, 15 mm100
0.1Prod.No.4.001 5476 x 31 mmConicalTip, 12 mm100
0.1Prod.No.6.093 2475.7 x 29 mm Plastic spring100


Suitable for:
LLG-Screw Neck Vials ND10, wide openingLLG Labware
LLG-Snap Ring Vials ND11, wide openingLLG Labware

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