
LLG-Syringe filters PE, Polyethylene

LLG offers a line of syringe filters especially designed to provide efficient filtration of a broad variety of fluids, solvents, aqueous or inorganic solutions. Our syringe filters cover most applications in HPLC, pharmaceutical, environmental, biotechnology, as well as food and beverage testing laboratories.

  • Housing injected in polypropylene and MABS
  • Superior pressure stability of the housings
  • Suitable for all syringes with Luer connection
Universal filter membrane for all analytical requirements. For aqueous and aggressive organic solvent filtration.
Wide application in sample preparation, and ion chromatography. With Luer-Lock input and Luer-Slip output.
Connetion inlet:Luer-Lock female
Connetion outlet:Luer-Slip male
9.055 541

9.055 541
 Membrane Ø
Pore size
 25Prod.No.6.327 0290.2100
25Prod.No.9.055 5410.2500
25Prod.No.9.055 5430.5500
Alternate products:
LLG-Syringe filters CA, Cellulose acetateLLG Labware
LLG-Syringe filters NY, Nylon/PolyamideLLG Labware
LLG-Syringe filters NC, NitrocelluloseLLG Labware
LLG-Syringe filters RC, Regenerated celluloseLLG Labware
LLG-Syringe filters PTFE, PolytetrafluorethyleneLLG Labware
LLG-Syringe filters PES, PolyethersulfoneLLG Labware
LLG-Syringe filters PVDF, Polyvinylidene fluorideLLG Labware
LLG-Syringe filters GF, Glass fibreLLG Labware
replaced by:
LLG-Syringe filters GF, Glass fibreLLG Labware

LLG-Syringe filters CA, Cellulose acetate

LLG offers a line of syringe filters especially designed to provide efficient filtration of a broad variety of fluids, solvents, aqueous or inorganic solutions. Our syringe filters cover most applications in HPLC, pharmaceutical, environmental, biotechnology, as well as food and beverage testing laboratories.

  • Housing injected in polypropylene and MABS
  • Superior pressure stability of the housings
  • Suitable for all syringes with Luer connection
Hydrophilic membrane for filtration of aqueous solutions.
This membrane features excellent shape stability in aqueous solutions and is characterised by a very low binding capacity for proteins (21 µg per 25 mm filter). Particularly suitable for biological macromolecules, water-soluble oligomers and polymers.

Sterile products in individual hard blister packaging.

For research and development only.
Connetion inlet:Luer-Lock female
Connetion outlet:Luer-Slip male
9.055 500

9.055 500
 Membrane Ø
Pore size
13Prod.No.9.055 5000.20NoBlue500
13Prod.No.9.055 5020.45NoYellow500
13Prod.No.9.055 5040.80NoGreen500
25Prod.No.9.055 5010.20NoBlue500
25Prod.No.9.055 5030.45NoYellow500
25Prod.No.7.970 3890.80NoGreen500
13Prod.No.9.055 5100.20YesBlue50
13Prod.No.9.055 5120.45YesYellow50
13Prod.No.6.285 6940.80YesGreen50
25Prod.No.9.055 5110.20YesBlue50
25Prod.No.9.055 5130.45YesYellow50
25Prod.No.6.285 6990.80YesGreen50
25Prod.No.6.285 7030.20YesTransparent50
25Prod.No.6.285 7040.45YesTransparent50
25Prod.No.6.285 7050.80YesTransparent50

LLG-Syringe filters GF, Glass fibre

LLG offers a line of syringe filters especially designed to provide efficient filtration of a broad variety of fluids, solvents, aqueous or inorganic solutions. Our syringe filters cover most applications in HPLC, pharmaceutical, environmental, biotechnology, as well as food and beverage testing laboratories.

  • Housing injected in polypropylene and MABS
  • Superior pressure stability of the housings
  • Suitable for all syringes with Luer connection
Hydrophilic membrane suitable for pre-filtration. They can be used for solutions with high particulate loads or for highly viscous solutions (e.g. soil samples, fermentation broths) either alone or in combination with other filters. With Luer-Lock input and Luer-Slip output.
Connetion inlet:Luer-Lock female
Connetion outlet:Luer-Slip male
9.055 552

9.055 552
 Membrane Ø
Pore size
 25Prod.No.9.055 5500.7500
 25Prod.No.9.055 5511.0500
25Prod.No.9.055 5521.2500
 25Prod.No.9.055 5533.1500

LLG-Syringe filters NC, Nitrocellulose

LLG offers a line of syringe filters especially designed to provide efficient filtration of a broad variety of fluids, solvents, aqueous or inorganic solutions. Our syringe filters cover most applications in HPLC, pharmaceutical, environmental, biotechnology, as well as food and beverage testing laboratories.

  • Housing injected in polypropylene and MABS
  • Superior pressure stability of the housings
  • Suitable for all syringes with Luer connection
Hydrophilic membrane with low adsorption. For aqueous and aggressive organic solvent filtration. With Luer-Lock input and Luer-Slip output. Sterile products in individual hard blister packaging.

For research and development only.
Connetion inlet:Luer-Lock female
Connetion outlet:Luer-Slip male
6.285 710

6.285 710
 Membrane Ø
Pore size
 25Prod.No.6.285 7090.2050
25Prod.No.6.285 7100.4550

LLG-Syringe filters NY, Nylon/Polyamide

LLG offers a line of syringe filters especially designed to provide efficient filtration of a broad variety of fluids, solvents, aqueous or inorganic solutions. Our syringe filters cover most applications in HPLC, pharmaceutical, environmental, biotechnology, as well as food and beverage testing laboratories.

  • Housing injected in polypropylene and MABS
  • Superior pressure stability of the housings
  • Suitable for all syringes with Luer connection
Rather hydrophilic membrane, optimal for filtration of aqueous and organic/aqueous medium polar liquids.
Excellent chemical compatibility with esters, bases, and alcohols. With Luer-Lock input and Luer-Slip output. Sterile products in individual hard blister packaging.

For research and development only.
Connetion inlet:Luer-Lock female
Connetion outlet:Luer-Slip male
9.055 520

9.055 520
 Membrane Ø
Pore size
13Prod.No.9.055 5200.22No500
13Prod.No.9.055 5220.45No500
25Prod.No.9.055 5210.22No500
25Prod.No.9.055 5230.45No500
 25Prod.No.6.285 7070.22Yes50
 25Prod.No.6.285 7080.45Yes50

LLG-Syringe filters PES, Polyethersulfone

LLG offers a line of syringe filters especially designed to provide efficient filtration of a broad variety of fluids, solvents, aqueous or inorganic solutions. Our syringe filters cover most applications in HPLC, pharmaceutical, environmental, biotechnology, as well as food and beverage testing laboratories.

  • Housing injected in polypropylene and MABS
  • Superior pressure stability of the housings
  • Suitable for all syringes with Luer connection
Hydrophilic membrane for aqueous and slightly organic solutions with low protein binding capacity.
The almost blank-free membrane is ideal for ion chromatography and organic acids. With Luer-Lock input and Luer-Slip output.

Sterile products in individual hard blister packaging.

For research and development only.
Connetion inlet:Luer-Lock female
Connetion outlet:Luer-Slip male
7.970 213

7.970 213
 Membrane Ø
Pore size
 13Prod.No.9.055 5240.20No500
 13Prod.No.9.055 5260.45No500
 13Prod.No.6.285 6950.20Yes50
 13Prod.No.6.285 6960.45Yes50
 25Prod.No.6.285 7060.80Yes50

LLG-Syringe filters PTFE, Polytetrafluorethylene

LLG offers a line of syringe filters especially designed to provide efficient filtration of a broad variety of fluids, solvents, aqueous or inorganic solutions. Our syringe filters cover most applications in HPLC, pharmaceutical, environmental, biotechnology, as well as food and beverage testing laboratories.

  • Housing injected in polypropylene and MABS
  • Superior pressure stability of the housings
  • Suitable for all syringes with Luer connection
Hydrophobic membrane. Ideal for filtration of non-polar liquids and gases.
It is very resistant to various solvents, as well as acids, and bases. With Luer-Lock input and Luer-Slip output.
Connetion inlet:Luer-Lock female
Connetion outlet:Luer-Slip male
6.255 331

6.255 331
 Membrane Ø
Pore size
 13Prod.No.7.970 4020.20500
 13Prod.No.7.970 3850.45500
 25Prod.No.9.055 5350.20500
25Prod.No.6.255 3310.45500

LLG-Syringe filters PVDF, Polyvinylidene fluoride

LLG offers a line of syringe filters especially designed to provide efficient filtration of a broad variety of fluids, solvents, aqueous or inorganic solutions. Our syringe filters cover most applications in HPLC, pharmaceutical, environmental, biotechnology, as well as food and beverage testing laboratories.

  • Housing injected in polypropylene and MABS
  • Superior pressure stability of the housings
  • Suitable for all syringes with Luer connection
Hydrophilic membrane for aqueous polar and slightly non-polar solutions. Very low protein binding capacity. Suitable for high flow rates. Especially suitable for biological macromolecules, water-soluble oligomers, and polymers. With Luer-Lock input and Luer-Slip output. Sterile products in individual hard blister packaging.

For research and development only.
Connetion inlet:Luer-Lock female
Connetion outlet:Luer-Slip male
7.970 286

7.970 286
 Membrane Ø
Pore size
 13Prod.No.7.970 2580.20No500
 13Prod.No.9.055 5340.45No500
 25Prod.No.7.970 3870.20No500
25Prod.No.7.970 2860.45No500
 13Prod.No.6.285 6970.20Yes50
 13Prod.No.6.285 6980.45Yes50
 25Prod.No.6.258 2990.20Yes50
 25Prod.No.6.285 7020.45Yes50

LLG-Syringe filters RC, Regenerated cellulose

LLG offers a line of syringe filters especially designed to provide efficient filtration of a broad variety of fluids, solvents, aqueous or inorganic solutions. Our syringe filters cover most applications in HPLC, pharmaceutical, environmental, biotechnology, as well as food and beverage testing laboratories.

  • Housing injected in polypropylene and MABS
  • Superior pressure stability of the housings
  • Suitable for all syringes with Luer connection
Hydrophilic membrane features very low adsorption. It is recommended for filtration of aqueous and organic/aqueous liquids. For filtration of polar and medium polar liquids. With Luer-Lock input and Luer-Slip output.
Connetion inlet:Luer-Lock female
Connetion outlet:Luer-Slip male
9.055 530

9.055 530
 Membrane Ø
Pore size
13Prod.No.9.055 5300.20500
13Prod.No.9.055 5320.45500
25Prod.No.9.055 5310.20500
25Prod.No.9.055 5330.45500

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